lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009


WAKE UP HUMANITY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE (sorry for The Google translation)

The capitalist system that dominates the world has finally broken and we hide it with lies and sterile measures at the expense of people's money that does not correspond to the real economy or production of goods and services, since the capitalist system is based on lies, speculation ,usury and in the chaos of destruction and construction schedule (for example, the Iraq war was justified non-existent weapons of mass destruction or the environmental destruction that once reached and unable to pursue this industrial system that consumes an impractical amount of natural resources and pollution of Mother Earth to unbearably the atmosphere, they need to kill most of the world population, as they have always been unashamedly when needed as the world wars and every war born of lies and false flags of convenience or induced with the leaders on the other side who need not be the ones that show their faces, but are often ignorant and / or blinded by their power to facilitate those who govern in the shadow world dictators or democratically elected for your purposes, always have been obtaining power and wealth to dominate the entire world ) with their excuses or deception, which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and worse but dead from hunger, thirst and diseases caused by many ways such as creating conflicts in areas of great natural resources or arming revolutionary, terrorist groups or supporting dictators like his fictional enemies such as drugs that supposedly fighting against and overthrow when interests (as the new pandemic with which they want to kill large part of the population with a vaccine not sufficiently tested and then say it was the flu which killed for not having enough time to make a better vaccine, AIDS or Alzheimer's protected by the criminal organization is the World good health by giving all countries in the world losing its sovereignty as the lost with the UN, NATO, etc. all provided by fearful or corrupt rulers of each country who do the fighting deception to deceive his own followers and nations) because the capitalist system is based on the control of a few (global elite or worshipers of $atan like Kings or emperors and theirs courts masked in religions, ideologies and homelands in the face that divide and lies and manipulations to the peoples of the world, conspiring together to share power and wealth in a senior world in order that an elite ruling class from the dark power of $atan dominate and enslave in practice the rest of the world or humanity, as every empire and civilization to Throughout the history of mankind has tried, collapsing always be based on the chaos caused by the ego and makes them between themselves be destroyed, apart from its lethal effects of neighbor or to all of humanity) and hidden slavery , ignorance (because since your birth you inculcate its values by the states or education or religion, by manipulating the history and truth of this, since the origin of man and universe to the truth of historical events such as the origin of the U.S. that it's a conspiracy of secret societies $atan originating in the masons, Zionist Jews and the Illuminati Germans from Baviera ,

who took control of the British Empire, The Spanish empire and the French Revolution in S.XVIII, beheading the ruling dynasties in these countries dominated the world and replacing them with others related to one another, to extend their evil from the lie of the American dream and their false freedoms. Secret societies was publicly denounce JFK and cost his life, and because he wanted to return reservation federal to the American people it is a private institution in the hands of big bankers who gives money away without equivalent since in the 50's the gold standard was annulled as well as manipulate the entire world economy through its mechanisms, creating the crisis when they want ... , George W. Bush admitted belonging to secret societies to answer a question from a journalist in the 2004 election campaign, specifically belongs to the secret society founded by his grandfather Prescott Bush, "SKulls and bones" ... or manipulating the message and truth of character vital to humanity and God as Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, where his main purpose is to draw man away from God their lives as they always have interfering with the direct relationship between God and man with their churches and charges for which are based on the lies masquerading as science or the Big Bang explosion origin of the universe or the theory of evolution of species, causing the Most of humanity is not lit and protected by God's love, falling in the material and appearance, that is, take time to be, away from the talen., inspirations and virtues with God makes Man in exchange for economic power and social status is what gives the lie of capitalism as best makes Man in exchange for economic power and social status what gives the lie of capitalism as best friend was to create communism by the same global elite that fund it introduced in the former Soviet Union, and once removed to the state communist wealth to the people, pull down the lie of the communist bloc and become the elite part of the global conspiracy as is Communist China though it makes to U.S.. And these were only issued debt) and the slaughter and / or death of the rest of humanity, so it's all a plan hatched with apocalyptic end, where religions have manipulated and / or prophecies, not your actual dates but if its reality to match his evil plans with it and present God as the punisher of mankind and the global elite's chosen for the salvation of mankind with some surviving slaves in reality they do their false paradise to establish a $atan kingdom global in the earth through the global elite and the advancement of U.S. presidents George WH Bush in the year 91 calling $atan´$ plan like "New World Order" that took root with the Gulf War and topped with 11-s, the Iraq war and the global fight against an enemy of convenience as is the terrorism to justify all their actions of war and population control and invading countries to try to counter that with all the apocalyptic prophecies true stories from different cultures and religions that come together in 2012, and who prophesy the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the new heaven on earth or new world because GOD IS LOVE, LOVE IS TRUTH, TRUTH IS CHRIST ,CHRIST IS SALVATION, SALVATION IS THE HUMANITY, THE HUMANITY AND ITS VALUES AND FEELING GOOD IS GOD ON EARTH. By this type of information which contain the two books I have written (though not published as easily construed as not of interest to world power that control official everything or what sees the light as is his most powerful weapon, the media manipulate the collective consciousness with lies and denials and misinformation, not to know that believe in reality and leading us like sheep to the slaughter, while a golden calves idolize or clay idols such as some actors, athletes, singers, politicians using prefabricated to sell us false illusions or fashion, while making solidarity like hypocrites) and starring because it seems my mission or destiny and I ve learned that as the lucky coincidences do not exist (or are designs of God or man's delusions in the name $Atan) and that ultimately make my life since I did wake up at 33 years and it seems not only my mission as well as live or rather survive, and for it I hope their cooperation both for the distribution of this information to my livelihood in return for putting with it our granite sand for a better world and for it you can download free my 2 books titled "$aving the D€mocracy: of the Justice, State and his acolytes" and "Saving the World: of the religion, ideology and Patriotism (RIP) ", by which I have been reprisals, harassed and sabotaged from 2005 until now where I have more than one year in forced exile from my country Spain, and I can not live in peace in any country I've traveled since then distribute or not such information as they have up to all my professional y personal friends are silenced or manipulated as is my immediate family which leave no help despite being economically well off. Maybe you ask yourself why I am not dead, and the answer is not that my books are known in “petit Comitee " around the world among all types of areas and people relevant and less relevant, (as it is for sure , because i did a great effort to distribute all this information by taking advantage of my good relationships in all kinds of fields such as music or sport in Spain and these transmit internationally) but that something that I hope you deduct with his head or heart, reading my blogs or books that can be downloaded free here ( at the left of the blog).

Finally make yourselves this question Why do you think that rulers govern for the people when the vast majority of citizens, or rather human beings is what God made us live in a world like that which is becoming more outrageous an inhuman in reality?. And to end Look at the truncated pyramid with the all-seeing eye and the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum or New Orden of the centuries, that the Great Seal of the United States contained in the dollar bill placed on dollar for the 32 degree mason Rossvelt that it has its origin in that Illuminatis seek power through the dark (deception, death, threat, fear, exploitation, wars, lies, illness, misuse of science, etc.) or light burned of $atan who try to imitate the illumination of God who gave Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, the greatest men in history…or the star of David, symbol of the Zionists “above the eagle´s head” stamped on dollar.THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND GOD BLESS YOU IF YOU ARE DIGNE OF GOD.

Reverse of the dollar, the power of $atan like the superior power of God is love ti humanity that nevers died

and this the ultimatum from God to $on$ of $atan:

Ivan Lopez Diaz, Spanish, 37 years old, economist and marathoner.

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